This endpoint performs a full or partial refund.
The refund operation is idempotent if a unique
are provided.
If using the Deferred Payment Flow, please be aware that only captured funds can be refunded.
Do not create refunds after 120 days from the date of purchase.
Successful Response (201)
Returns a Refund object in response. All request parameters will be echoed in the response. In addition, the response includes the following:
Attribute | Type | Description |
refundId | string | The unique, permanent, Afterpay-generated Refund ID. |
refundedAt | string | The UTC timestamp of when the refund was completed, in ISO 8601 format. |
Connection Timeouts
Timeout | Time (Seconds) |
Open | 10 |
Read | 70 |
In addition to the PUT/POST Errors applicable to all POST endpoints, the following errors are specific to Create Refund:
HTTP Status Code | errorCode | Description |
412 Precondition Failed | precondition_failed | The orderId is invalid, does not exist, or is not eligible for a refund. For example, the order was declined. |
422 Unprocessable Entity | invalid_object | The refundMerchantReference exceeded 128 characters. |
422 Unprocessable Entity | invalid_amount | The amount requested exceeded the amount available. |
422 Unprocessable Entity | invalid_object | The currency of the refund does not match the currency of the order (and the Merchant account). |
422 Unprocessable Entity | refund_timelimit_exceeded | The refund exceeds the time limit of 120 days |